Hi, my name is Chris Heid! I’m currently a mental coach. I was fortunate enough to be able to play hockey at a professional level for 11 years! At first, everything came easy! I was drafted to the NHL, I signed a professional contract and I thought my life was set. I was wrong!


Playing at a level way below my potential still led me on an incredible hockey journey until my concussions came. I remember laying on the ice after my 5th concussion in four years. I was emotional, dizzy, had blurry vision, full-blown anxiety and I knew my hockey career was over that second and I had no clue what I would do next. After many months of struggle and therapy, an opportunity was presented to me to go back to school.


I am thankful for all my challenging past experiences because it would never have led me to where I am now. I went to University in my 30’s and graduated with a degree in mental coaching. All the techniques I learned were transferable to all sports and it blew my mind as I wished I had someone with that knowledge helping me out when I was struggling with my career. Nothing makes me happier than helping athletes overcome mental obstacles because I can totally relate.


Whether dealing with conditions such as anxiety, depression, stress, goal setting, or performance blockages to name a few, my ability as a mental strength coach is beneficial to help individuals and groups be the best, most resilient, and happiest they can possibly be. My goal is to not only help individuals become better athletes but better people as well.